Friday, March 8, 2013

Open Letter to my Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,

 I originally wanted to write you this letter just to let you know how important and special you are, especially to me. I was going to fill it with all these funny anecdotes and inside jokes, but you already know all of them, which is why you’re my best friend! If you didn’t then I guess we would have been wasting these what, 10 or 12 years (give or take with that month you didn’t like me in 8th!) So rather than list the qualities of a best friend that you fulfill, I would like to take this opportunity to write you a long overdue thank you. 

First and foremost, thank you for never giving up on me. Thank you for never shrugging your shoulders at forgetting to call me and saying to yourself, shit happens, people change, and we’ve grown apart. These are things that do happen between friends, but not best friends. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me through changes like moving together and apart, and me living with a boyfriend or graduating college. It’s only natural we all distance ourselves at some level during big changes, but you always kept me within arm’s reach and kept an eye out for me because you knew I would need you like I always do.

Thank you for always taking care of me. You’ve never made me feel weird about needing you or asking for help. You just make yourself available the best that you can. Thank you for never making me feel like I owe you, even though I always will. And thank you, for never getting mad at me for not calling for two weeks straight because I was too busy being someone’s girlfriend instead of your best friend then still being there to pick up my splintered heart after a fight.

Thank you for being a friend whose house I’m always welcome. There’s never been a time when I was feeling shit I didn’t immediately run to you. You’re my rock! Thank you for sharing your bed with this slob even when you work in the morning. Thank you for being fun, even when we’re not being fun. Thank you for knowing that going on a bender isn’t always the most fun because you will pass out first and I always worry you’re dead and I can’t do anything without you anyways. 

Thank you for always being so honest. For repeating affirmations that mean nothing when they come from someone else, but mean everything when they come from you. Thank you for always knowing the right balance between not judging me when I do something incredibly stupid, and telling me I’m an idiot for doing said stupid thing. Thank you for always taking me back even when I’ve been bad.

Thank you for fulfilling the duties of a best friend; letting me ugly cry onto your shoulder, and getting me a drink when there are no more words. Thank you for genuinely caring about the outcome of my life and decisions. I hope that I can be as good of a friend as you are, because there aren’t many people I would take a bullet for, but you’re one of them.

Your Best Friend.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Mourning Pieces

One of the things I knew I would have to confront when my boyfriend and I moved in together was definitely saying good bye to some of my favorite things. Bringing together our lives meant out with (some of) the old and in with the new! Purging pieces that don't work 100% for both of us or updating so that they do. My old style was definitely defined as shabby chic, my apartments were pink and green and off white. This just isn't working for the two of us though! He literally came into my apartment one day and pointed out the things he didn't want to see make the transition : /

One of those things was regrettably my bed. My awesome antique store bed! So today I am mourning my bed and saying goodbye. Although, its not really goodbye, its new home is at my parents in a guest room, so I guess we will be reunited at Christmas!

Until then, bed.
Unmade glory
On a side note: Was anyone lucky enough to scoop up some Missoni for Target pieces today?!